Esittelyssä yhteistyökumppanit / Presenting our partners:
KUPILKA products have been designed by Kari Kuisma together with a well-known Finnish architect and designer Heikki Koivurova. KUPILKA means a “little cup” and the word stems from the Finnish word “kuppi”. It also refers to a term used by Finnish people decades ago, when men and women warmed up their hands with their “kupilka” or “little cup” by drinking hot beverages during the rough Finnish winters.
KUPILKA products are made from Kareline® Natural Fibre Composite material. The biomaterial consists of 50% pine fibre (wood) and 50% thermoplastic. Products are also recyclable and can be returned to normal plastic recycling centres or grinded and casted again into new products at the end of their life span. All KUPILKA packages & label cards are made from recycled cardboard.
More about KUPILKA, visit: or see KUPILKA flyer: kupilkaesite_2012_lowrgb